Nghiên cứu sinh Alounxai Sounnalath bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ

Vào 15h00 ngày 3/2/2024 tại P501 Nhà A2 Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân tổ chức lễ bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ cho NCS Alounxai Sounnalath, chuyên ngành Quản trị kinh doanh (Viện QTKD) , với đề tài "Poverty reduction in the northern provinces of Laos."
Thứ ba, ngày 02/01/2024


PhD Candidate: Alounxai Sounnalath
Major of study: Business Administration - Code: 9340101 
Science instructors: Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Van Hoa
Thesis title: Poverty reduction in the northern provinces of Laos

Theoretical contributions

(1) The thesis proposes a novel framework for understanding poverty that transcends pure economic measures such as income levels. It incorporates a multi-dimensional perspective, including access to services, social inclusion, and cultural factors that influence the well-being of individuals and communities. This approach aligns with Amartya Sen's capabilities approach but is tailored specifically to the Laotian context.

(2) Through its findings, the thesis emphasizes the importance of cultural sensitivity in the design and implementation of poverty reduction policies. It theorizes that the effectiveness of such policies is significantly enhanced when they are congruent with local values and practices, thereby proposing a culturally informed approach to policy-making.

(3) Building on the Sustainable Livelihood Framework, the thesis contributes an adapted version that is specifically designed for the socio-economic and environmental context of the northern provinces of Laos. This adaptation ensures that the framework is more applicable to policymakers and practitioners working within this region.

Practical contributions

(1) The thesis outlines specific policy recommendations based on empirical findings, tailored to the socio-economic and cultural context of the northern provinces of Laos. These recommendations aim to improve current poverty reduction initiatives and suggest new approaches that are more aligned with the lived experiences of the local population.

(2) It outlines best practices for creating synergies among different institutions working on poverty reduction, including mechanisms for coordination, information sharing, and joint planning to maximize resources and impact.

(3) The thesis offers strategies for stimulating local economic development, such as the promotion of value-added production, access to microfinance, and development of market linkages, which can have a direct impact on income generation and poverty reduction.

New conclusions and recommendations drawn from the research results of the thesis

Poverty in the northern provinces is multi-faceted, with cultural, social, and environmental dimensions that interplay with economic scarcity. Any intervention must therefore adopt a holistic approach. There is often a disconnect between policy design and implementation on the ground. Policies must be flexible and adaptable to the local context to be successful. Isolated interventions addressing single aspects of poverty are less effective than integrated approaches that consider the broader ecosystem of development, including education, health, infrastructure, and market access. Communities in the northern provinces exhibit a high degree of resilience and have developed coping strategies for economic and environmental shocks. Development efforts should build upon and enhance these adaptive capacities.

Poverty reduction initiatives should prioritize community engagement and ownership from the outset, ensuring that interventions are demand-driven rather than supply-led. Development practitioners should document, understand, and incorporate local knowledge systems into program design, particularly in areas such as agriculture, natural resource management, and community organization. Encourage the development of flexible and context-specific policy frameworks that can be tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within different communities. Focus on livelihood enhancement through diversified income sources, value chain development, and market linkages to reduce vulnerability to economic fluctuations and external shocks. Use the research findings to inform policy advocacy, emphasizing the need for culturally sensitive, participatory, and sustainable poverty reduction strategies.